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Operations Manager Australia


  • Manage all aspects of raw material and finished product importation from Renson in Belgium. This includes direct freight to our facilities in Perth and to end customers throughout Oceania. Identify & develop a close working relationship with freight forwarder/s and seek the fastest and most cost effective solutions.
  • Integrate core Renson products into local production facilities or via third party fabricators where ever possible. Key priority products include Fixscreen family, Topfix range, Algarve, Linarte & natural ventilation (including louvres). Develop strong relationships with key personnel in Belgium.
  • Liaise with the Product Management department in Belgium to ensure products meet local market and legislative requirements. Conduct local testing and accreditation when necessary.
  • Identify & develop relationships with local vendors for supply of aluminium extrusion and powder coating in particular. Negotiate competitive purchase prices, MOQ etc
  • Oversee all aspects of manufacturing at the Perth facilities to ensure the most efficient systems & processes leading to optimal financial performance, delivery lead times and minimal error rates.
  • Create a dedicated area for storage of POS & merchandising items. In consultation with Regional Manager, place periodic orders on Renson Belgium to maintain minimum stock levels
  • Provide a fast & efficient turnaround service for reworks and warranty claims. Be as self sufficient as possible but liaise closely with Belgium and customers where necessary.
  • Provide technical training & support for Dealers on product when needed.
  • Manage & direct the day to day duties of the production workers and coach the internal sales team based in Perth.

Jouw profiel

  • Manage all aspects of raw material and finished product importation from Renson in Belgium. This includes direct freight to our facilities in Perth and to end customers throughout Oceania. Identify & develop a close working relationship with freight forwarder/s and seek the fastt and most cost effective solutions.
  • Integrate core Renson products into local production facilities or via third party fabricators where ever possible. Key priority products include Fixscreen family, Topfix range, Algarve, Linarte & natural ventilation (including louvres). Develop strong relationships with key personnel in Belgium.
  • Liaise with the Product Management department in Belgium to ensure products meet local market and legislative requirements. Conduct local testing and accreditation when necessary.
  • Identify & develop relationships with local vendors for supply of aluminium extrusion and powder coating in particular. Negotiate competitive purchase prices, MOQ etc
  • Oversee all aspects of manufacturing at the Perth facilities to ensure the most efficient systems & processes leading to optimal financial performance, delivery lead times and minimal error rates.
  • Create a dedicated area for storage of POS & merchandising items. In consultation with Regional Manager, place periodic orders on Renson Belgium to maintain minimum stock levels
  • Provide a fast & efficient turnaround service for reworks and warranty claims. Be as self sufficient as possible but liaise closely with Belgium and customers where necessary.
  • Provide technical training & support for Dealers on product when needed.
  • Manage & direct the day to day duties of the production workers and coach the internal sales team based in Perth.
  • Aanbestedingen of antwoorden op aanbestedingen opstellen
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Internationale ontwikkeling
  • Sociaal-economische gegevens van het gebied analyseren
    Algemene lijnen voor acties bepalen, volgens de lokale ontwikkelingsvereisten
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Duurzame ontwikkeling (milieu, sociaal en MVO)
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Economische ontwikkeling en tewerkstelling
  • Een gemeentelijk ruimtelijk uitvoeringsplan opstellen
  • Uitwerken of meewerken aan de uitwerking van het lokale ontwikkelingsproject
    Steun bieden aan de partnerorganisaties
  • Het actieplan uitwerken en het ontwikkelingsproject opstarten
    Intern en extern communiceren
    Het partnernetwerk coördineren
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Culturele ontwikkeling
  • Het ontwikkelingsproject evalueren, nieuwe interventies bepalen en voorstellen aan de lokale actoren
  • Bepalen van of bijdragen tot de ontwikkelingsstrategie van een gebied
  • De activiteiten van een team coördineren
  • Oprichters van bedrijven adviseren, opleiden en begeleiden
  • Een subsidiedossier voor een project samenstellen en voorstellen aan politici en financiers
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Plattelandsontwikkeling
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Ruimtelijke ordening, inrichting van een site
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Sociale ontwikkeling
  • Projecten coördineren voor: Stedelijke ontwikkeling
  • Informeren en overleggen over de lokale ontwikkelingsstrategieën tijdens professionele ontmoetingen


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