Sr. Accountant

Robert Half is currently looking for a Senior Accountant (M/F/X/) for an interim contract of at least months with possibility of a fixed contract.

The company is located in Anderlecht and is active in the wellness industry

As a senior accountant, you will be working closely together with different countries in Europe and will be responsible for

General Financial reporting Financial statements Income statements Balance sheet Cash flow statements Cash management Audit and compliance Account reconciliations Month end closing

The required profile for the Senior Accountant position has

+ years' of experience as a senior accountant An excellent knowledge of English and knowledge of French or Dutch A good knowledge of Excel Knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics is a plus

Our client offers

An interim contract of months at least with option of a fixed contract An attractive salary with advantages (meal vouchers, refunds for public transports etc.) An interesting position with career opportunities Flexibility in hours - days of homeworking possible

Interested in this position? Apply today!

Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at .


Sr. Accountant
2024-05-31 - 2024-07-14

Aanwerving Organisatie: via Global Recruitment
Contract: Permanent
Gemiddeld loon: 2000
Valuta: EUR
Address place: Brussels
Land: Belgiƫ
Postal Code: None
Telefoon: +32 493 78 60 54


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